Tuesday, 24 June 2014


This is is awesome art by me and it was really fun to make and I am very proud of this art

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Egypt topic

What did you learn?

I learned what workers did because I did my A3 page on that and here are 2 quick facts about workers.
1. When the people of Egypt weren't farming the Pharaoh got them and put them to work.
2. It takes 35 people to take the slab up the ramp.

What activities did I learn from?

I learned most of the information from the power points that people did.

What activities did I enjoy the most?

The most fun activity was Astin's group on with the god dodge ball.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Gymnastics at Nairnville

I don't like Gymnastics at all but it is actually Quiet fun but i like the jump mat thing it is really fun to jump around.my favorite parts were the rings where you do a candle stick it is really fun. i improved on everything because i do not normally do Gum so yeah.

Monday, 2 June 2014

what did i learn this week

In the Queens birthday weekend i got a new bike it is a giant bike they are really good bikes we looked everywhere for one and we ended up getting it from cyclic science. So now me and my dad can go out riding in the mountain bike tracks and it is going to be so fun we are going to do one this weekend.